Why SCRUM is not natural vs. The Fluidity of Kanban - A critical article about why SCRUM is outdated

While SCRUM has been a staple in agile software development, its notoriety is matched by another methodology: Kanban. By juxtaposing the two, it becomes even clearer why some critics argue that SCRUM is becoming less relevant in today's fast-paced, ever-changing landscape.

Why SCRUM is not natural vs. The Fluidity of Kanban - A critical article about why SCRUM is outdated
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While SCRUM has been a staple in agile software development, its notoriety is matched by another methodology: Kanban. By juxtaposing the two, it becomes even clearer why some critics argue that SCRUM is becoming less relevant in today's fast-paced, ever-changing landscape.

Sprint Planning vs. Continuous Flow

SCRUM plans in sprints, which usually span two weeks. This planning method contrasts starkly with Kanban's focus on continuous flow. Kanban does not have set periods during which tasks must be completed. This fluidity arguably resonates better with human nature, where we continually assess, prioritize, and tackle tasks based on their immediate relevance.

Value Delivery: SCRUM’s Features vs. Kanban’s Flexibility

SCRUM aims to deliver specific features at the end of each sprint, possibly losing sight of the broader goal of delivering value. In contrast, Kanban is more flexible in its definition of value, allowing for a more adaptive approach to changing customer needs or market conditions. It shifts the focus back from features to overall value.

The Lock vs. The Adaptability

In SCRUM, once a sprint's scope is determined, it's set in stone. Any changes require scrapping the sprint and starting over. Kanban, on the other hand, is more accommodating to changes. You can easily reprioritize tasks on the Kanban board, making it more aligned with the dynamic nature of software development.

The Constant Adaptation Conundrum

SCRUM promotes a culture of continuous adaptation, but as mentioned, humans often seek stability. Kanban provides a more balanced approach. It promotes incremental changes that are less jarring and thus, potentially more palatable to a human's innate desire for some level of stability.


In my opinion, Kanban feels more in tune with the way people naturally think and work. You’re not confined to a rigid timeline or a fixed scope, which makes it easier to adapt to new information or changing conditions. This isn't to say that SCRUM is utterly irrelevant; it has its merits and works incredibly well in certain environments. However, the rigidity of SCRUM, especially when compared to the fluidity of Kanban, shows that it might be time to reassess whether this methodology is still the best fit for modern software development challenges.

In conclusion, while SCRUM has served us well over the years, its structure might be clashing with the realities of both human psychology and the agile, flexible requirements of today’s development world. Methods like Kanban offer an alternative approach that may be more aligned with how humans naturally operate and the flexibility today's software development demands.