Estimations in Software Development: A Dive into Three-Point Estimation vs Story Points

Estimations in Software Development: A Dive into Three-Point Estimation vs Story Points
Photo by Carl Raw / Unsplash


In the realm of software development, accurate estimation is pivotal for successful project management and delivery. Two prevalent techniques employed for this purpose are the Three-Point Estimation Method and Story Points. This article delineates the core principles of each method, contrasting their approaches and highlighting their respective advantages in facilitating precise estimations in software projects.

Three-Point Estimation

The Three-Point Estimation Method is a statistical technique which encapsulates a range of estimations rather than a single point estimate. It requires estimators to provide three scenarios for each task or project: the optimistic, most likely, and pessimistic estimates. These three estimates are then used to compute a weighted average, which yields a more nuanced, realistic estimate that accounts for uncertainties and variations. This method is particularly beneficial in environments where tasks have a high degree of uncertainty or variability.

Story Points

On the other hand, Story Points are employed to estimate the relative effort required to implement a story, feature, or other pieces of work in the backlog, without getting bogged down by the varying productivity among team members. This method relies on assigning points based on the perceived complexity of the task rather than the time it would take to complete it. Over time, teams develop a velocity metric which helps in predicting the amount of work they can handle in future sprints.

Contrast in Approach

Nature of Estimation:

    • Three-Point Estimation Method is a probabilistic approach that offers a range of possible estimations, catering to the inherent uncertainties in software development.
    • Story Points provide a relative estimate based on complexity, fostering a more straightforward, yet less detailed, estimation technique.

Basis of Estimation:

    • Three-Point Estimation Method uses time as the basis for estimation, which can be more intuitive for stakeholders outside the development team.
    • Story Points avoid tying estimates to time, focusing instead on the relative effort required, which can be more adaptive to the team's evolving proficiency and circumstances.

Learning and Adaptability:

    • The statistical nature of Three-Point Estimation Method may offer a better insight into the variability and risks associated with tasks.
    • Story Points, with the development of a velocity metric over time, foster a learning environment that helps teams better understand their capabilities and improve estimation accuracy.

In the Real World

In the business realm, the crux often boils down to delivery timelines and the associated uncertainties. Stakeholders incessantly seek precise delivery dates to align with marketing campaigns, budget allocations, and other business-centric activities. However, the mutable nature of software development often clashes with the desire for precision, birthing the imperative for methods that can provide both a realistic delivery timeline and a measure of uncertainty. The Three-Point Estimation resonates well with this business requirement as it provides a range of estimates, offering a glimpse into the potential variability and thereby, the associated risks. This nuanced information can be instrumental for business stakeholders in making informed decisions and setting realistic expectations. On the contrary, while Story Points focus on relative effort, translating these points into a concrete delivery timeline can often be a convoluted endeavor, especially for stakeholders not deeply entrenched in the development process. The ability to communicate delivery timelines and uncertainties in a business-friendly manner is a paramount concern, and herein lies the potential edge of the Three-Point Estimation Method in bridging the communication chasm between the development teams and the business stakeholders.


The journey towards achieving precise estimation in software development unveils a spectrum of methodologies, each with its distinct ethos and utility. The dissection of the Three-Point Estimation Method and Story Points reveals contrasting paradigms aimed at navigating the inherent uncertainties and dynamic nature of software projects. The Three-Point Estimation Method, by embracing a probabilistic approach, provides a more nuanced and realistic range of estimates, addressing the business's perennial quest for understanding delivery timelines and associated uncertainties. This method not only serves as a conduit for better stakeholder communication but also encapsulates a learning curve, as re-estimations and reflections on past projects can hone the accuracy and insightfulness of future estimations.

On the flip side, Story Points, with their emphasis on relative effort, provide a lens through which teams can view and understand their work in a unit-less measure, fostering a simplified, albeit less detailed, estimation landscape. However, the translation of these relative measures into tangible delivery timelines often becomes a convoluted endeavor, especially for stakeholders not deeply entrenched in the development process. Moreover, the lack of a range of estimates leaves a void in understanding the potential variability and risks, which could be a critical aspect for business stakeholders in aligning their strategies and expectations.

The contrasting ethos of these estimation techniques underscores the necessity for a discerning approach in choosing the method that resonates with the project's unique demands and the broader organizational milieu. The Three-Point Estimation Method, with its ability to provide a more detailed insight into the potential variability and the associated risks, coupled with the learning garnered through continuous re-estimations, arguably holds a potential edge in bridging the communication chasm between the development teams and the business stakeholders. The choice between these methodologies isn’t a mere binary decision but a strategic one, where the alignment with organizational objectives, project requirements, and stakeholder expectations could significantly influence the trajectory of project success and stakeholder satisfaction.